Established in 2005. Today people are way too busy. It seems like cheating, but this is a place where you can keep up with what is going on in our lives. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Baby Maggie Update
Maggie is having ups and downs. She has not been able to eat yet. Her bowel is not working right. She has been going through withdraws from Phentanyl. However, she has been held by her parents and grandparents. Please keep praying for her continued healing as well as strength for her parents.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jacob Made it on the Curve!
Poor little man (and poor mommy and daddy), he had a rough night Tuesday night. I think he is trying to get his top teeth in because he was up screaming at 10:30pm, midnight and up for the day at 6:00am. That plus his shots (and the constantly barking dog and fan drying the wet carpet) made for an interesting Wednesday. I was ready for a break so we left the house early and went for a walk around Wal-Mart. I made the mistake of going down the toy isle - there are so many toys that he needs - yes, I mean need. =) He is growing and learning and I want to get him some interactive/developmental toys as I know he will enjoy them more than his baby toys (he reminds me that he is no longer a baby whenever I try and cuddle him).
We are going to get him a play table hopefully this weekend. He has learned how to stand up in his crib. Problem is, once he gets up he can't get down. He screamed standing up for 45min yesterday. Carrie Schuessler said that her kids would eventually fall asleep standing up and that tough love is the key - let him cry and he will learn (probably by hurting himself). Oh the joys of being a mom and letting your child learn on his own. I hope that the play table will not only give him something that he can pull up on instead of just being able to do that at nap time (if we don't get him something his first steps might be in his crib!) and the play table will help him learn how to get down from the standing position.
Baby Maggie Panzella update: she is breathing on her own! Praise Jesus! She is such a miracle. She is doing so good. She was held by her parents for the first time Tuesday night and they were going to let Carrie try and breastfeed her yesterday. She should be going home sometime next week if all goes well! Jacob is really looking forward to a play date!!!
Update on the Search for a Wife for Jacob '08: Now that I have a child, I am thinking that arranged marriages are the way to go. I think it is a great idea. I don't have to worry about my kids dating that way. So, we were thinking maybe Hailey Canada, but she is close to his age and the thought of Sean as a father-in-law makes Jacob nervous. Then we thought maybe the Metzler baby, but they are going to have a best friend for Jacob, not a wife. Now we are thinking Miss Maggie. We like her parents and know she is going to be raised wonderfully and has an amazing supportive family, but she is bigger than Jacob. We might have to wait awhile to make sure that she isn't 3 feet taller than my little man. What do you think? Do you like the idea of an arranged marriage for your kids? Vote in my poll (I think we might really be on to something here!)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Update on the Shaw Family
- Sept. 9th: Jacob figures out how to crawl . . . rather his version of crawling. He had been
scooting and throwing himself by flipping over across the room, but that Tuesday he just started army crawling. He doesn’t get up on his hands, but that kid can move. Adam never did the traditional crawl. Jacob can get to wherever he wants know. It is so cute when he comes and finds me when I am in the kitchen and him in the living room or when he is upset and crawls across the floor for me to pick him up!
- Dada: This month he also started talking more. I think it was Monday (09/15 – this is like my vertical baby book since I haven’t taken the time to keep his up, that is why I put dates) that I picked him up from the babysitters and he was just talking up a storm. It was too cute. He says “dada”, but not directed at Adam yet. He is almost there.
- He stood the other day. He just pulled himself up on one of his toys and stood. I
was amazed. Of course my camera was upstairs and I just had my phone camera with me, but I still got a picture. He hasn’t done it as much since. He will get up to his knees, but he really doesn’t have anything to pull up with. I think a trip to Wal-Mart is in our near future.
- He sat up by himself the same day that he stood. And he hasn’t done that since either (what is up with that). I proudly called Adam to brag!
- I went in to check on him while he slept last week and found him sucking on the tail of his bear!
- We had to lower his crib on Sunday. When I went to get him up after his morning and
afternoon nap on Saturday he was kneeling in his crib with his hands on the handrail looking at me. Adam had our camera (he went to visit the house) and so I had to use my phone. My poor child. I left him screaming so that I could get my phone and capture the moment. I was afraid that he would soon figure out how to stand and throw himself out of the crib. Handy Daddy adjusted the crib down and how if he figures out how to stand he is still too short to fall out.
- He is so fun and mobile these days. His personality is coming out more and more. He hates it when I dry my hair and screams at the top of his lungs. He doesn’t like the vacuum cleaner (I wonder where he learned that one from – Garnet?!?). He doesn’t like it when Daddy tickles his Mommy. He has this unsure cry when he isn’t comfortable and that is what he does when Adam and I were horsing around . He loves his simple toys (I just got him that stacker thing with the rings that everyone had growing up – it was the best $7 I ever spent!). He loves any food that we give him. He loves his puppy and his puppy is learning how to be loved by a baby. He loves his daddy and just lights up when he comes home from work. He loves to move, move, move (he has lots of work to do!) and he is so active that he is about to get kicked out of church and into the nursery because he will not sit still anymore. He likes his naps once he stops screaming (which can take 30-45min) and loves to try and sleep in on the mornings when we have to go somewhere (he is so cute when I wake him up). He loves to play on his own and loves to play with people (it depends on his mood). He loves to just lay (or is it lie?) on his back and just talk. He loves to watch tv (I just got him the Baby Einstein sign language dvd; hopefully he will like it). He just started waving (although he doesn’t understand when you wave; he waved at Dr. Phil on tv and then waved while I was feeding him breakfast yesterday, or he was praising Jesus for his yummy milk, I don’t know).
- He is the love of our life and I cannot imagine life without him. I love watching him grow and change and learn things – my favorite would be watching him learn and figure out things. He is the joy of both mind and Adam’s life!
Juli and Thomas: they left us. Just like that. My sister, my best friend has abandoned me. Kidding, Juli. Seriously, Juli and Thomas left for CA yesterday and will spend 2 weeks training there and then will go to Denver to run their very own My Gym! I am so excited for them. I am sooooo sad to see them leave. It was really hard to say good bye Saturday night. They (meaning mostly Thomas) just cried and cried over leaving Jacob. They love him so much. We will miss them, but I am so proud of them and just pray that God gives them an abundance of wisdom as they enter this next chapter in their lives. We miss you Aunt Juli and Uncle Thomas!
This Adventure we Call Life: So a post would not be complete without a crazy story (I know this is getting long, I need to do this more often so that they are shorter). This morning I was changing Jacob’s diaper and Adam came in and said that the downstairs is flooded (now we are living at my dad’s house while our house is being built and it is a tri-level house so it was the bottom level that has a bathroom and office in it that was flooded). Water was soaked everywhere. Adam vacuum up 2 load fulls and it still squishes out when you walk on the carpet. The plumber came and there is a hole in the pipe (he had to drill the tile in the shower to find it) and to fix it he has to remove the toilet and rip out part of the wall. Yikes! The insurance company is sending a crew (they should be here in 30min) to clean up the water and dry the carpet. I hope they are nice and move things and don’t expect me to do that while holding Jacob. I’m a little worried about Jacob because they will leave loud fans and lately he cannot handle loud noises like that. Oh goodness!
Friday, September 19, 2008
PS-please continue to pray for baby Panzella. They have named her, Margaret Elizabeth. We went and saw them last night and she was doing really well, but after we left her blood pressure dropped and they had to increase her oxygen from 77% to somewhere in the 90's. I don't have an update yet this morning, but please pray as the Panzella family have a long road ahead of them.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pray, pray, pray
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Big Protector Afraid Dog!
Anyway, the point of this post. Because Garnet sheds, our area rug is covered in his hair. I went into the garage today to get the vacuum

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Our House
Our house is coming along. We are so ready to move in. Sharing an office with Jacob is really hard. He is big enough now that when he is in his crib trying to take a nap, he can pull down the bumper and see me - that doesn't help him fall asleep.
It is fun to watch all of the house progress. It has been a blessing to be able to stay at my dad's house and save money and not have to worry about our old house falling apart, but we are ready for our house to be done!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Hoarding Toys
Monday, September 08, 2008
Pancakes for Breakfast
Sunday, September 07, 2008
When Jacob met Hailey
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Who Reads My Blog
Like the new look? I found the stuff at
They have such fun stuff. The Roberts Family Blog ( used it and I love it! Happy blogging!
bestest friends, just like my daddy and mr. matt
that is not why i'm on the computer again. i just had to tell someone and mommy and daddy don't understand what i am saying when i talk to them.
i am so excited! mrs. stephanie and mr. matt are going to have a baby boy! i am going to have a bestest friend just like daddy and mr. matt are. i can't wait.
i wonder what they are going to name him? i like the name jacob. maybe they will name him that!
Friday, September 05, 2008
A word from me, Jacob
i am so very sad. my mommy told me today that my uncle thomas and aunt juli are moving away. they are buying a my gym in denver, colorado. i don't know why they can't buy one close to me. there is room in my backyard for one.
i'm glad that they are able to buy one. they have wanted this for a really long time and thought that they would be old before it happened. my mommy says that corporate really likes them and is helping them. she says that this is really good for them and that the timing is perfect.
we are going to miss them so much. oh, my mommy is coming so i must hurry and go. i'm sure my mommy will post more about it soon. i did create a blog for them so that i could keep up with them while they are playing in the snow. check it out (i think i did pretty good)
House Update

Thursday, September 04, 2008
Introducing . . .

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
What a day!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008