18 weeks + 2 days
Vernix (a white cheese-like protective material) forms on baby's skin with the lanugo (soft, lightly pigmented hair covering the body and limbs); both serving to protect your baby's skin during the months in water.
Your placenta continues to grow and nourish the baby.
Tiny air sacs called alveoli begin to form in lungs. He'll be putting these lungs to good use in just a few months!
Her vocal chords are formed. She goes through the motions of crying but without air she doesn't make a sound.
Features of your baby's heart, including ventricles and chambers, should be visible during an ultrasound.
Your baby measures about 5.59 inches this week and weighs about 6.7 ounces.
Established in 2005. Today people are way too busy. It seems like cheating, but this is a place where you can keep up with what is going on in our lives. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Well, not really beyond Canada, but it sounded fun. We had a great time. The picture is of the hotel we stayed at Saturday night. When you looked out at the water you could see Canada and Washington (it was in Blaine, Washington). It was soooo pretty. It would be a GREAT vacation place if we ever won the lottery! Here is a play-by-play of the trip. . .
Thursday: We both worked half a day and then went home and clean and packed. I was stressed out with all that we had to do and didn't like leaving it to the last minute, but it worked out and we had about 30 minutes to spare. We got to the airport in plenty of time and our flight was delayed just a little and a storm was trying to move in so we tried to board the plane quickly, but people were slow. Adam and I were not supposed to sit together, but they were able to change our seat which was great! Because of lightening we sat on the runway for 2 hours. YUCK! The flight was really bumpy and my feet and calves swelled so much and didn't go down so I was really uncomfortable. We weren't bored though. They showed Ocean's 13. We made up some time in the air, but when we landed and got off the plane our other flight was supposed to be leaving. Thankfully it was delayed so we had 5 minutes to run all the way down the airport. Adam took off and I lost him and I trailed behind as fast as I could (I wasn't going to be the reason why we got stuck in Denver). We made it on the plane just in time and then it was delayed 1.5 hours for mechanical reasons and the air wasn't on. So we were tired and sooo hot, but just glad to make it on the plane. Although I was very worried about our luggage making it on. We were going to get to watch another movie so I was glad for the distraction, but of course it wouldn't be an adventure if we wanted to see the movie - it was Ocean's 13 again! Thankfully I had a good book to read. We were so sleepy and Adam slept a little, but my feet and legs hurt and I couldn't get comfortable (I would not recommend flying when pregnant). But we were on our way. When we landed I was VERY glad to see Adam pulling our luggage off. We got our rental car (an Impala!) and were off for our 2.5 hour drive into Canada. . .
FRIDAY: In the car I tried to stay awake. I wanted to help keep Adam awake, but I had to take a short nap. An awful smell from a paper mill woke me up. We guessed that the drive was beautiful. We couldn't see much as we were on dark, windy, mountain roads. Thankfully our car had GPS so we didn't have to worry about reading directions and driving. We got to the hotel at 6:15am our time and were soooo glad to go to bed. Adam had been up for over 24 hours and I had been up for almost 24 hours. We slept great!. The time change was nice in that we got up around 10am feeling pretty rested and still having a good chunk of the day left. We went to lunch with John and Carrie and then headed to the mall. Carrie was getting her nails done with the girls and Adam left his rehearsal clothes at home and had to buy pants. I just hung out with the girls and got a manicure (fun, fun) and Adam hung out with John (WAY TOO much bonding went on!). The day was relaxing until Carrie and I got stuck at the mall (our ride got lost) and we had only 15 minutes to get ready for the rehearsal. We made it and looked fabulous! (I'll have to post pictures later) The rehearsal went well (but what did you expect with Pastor Joe and myself running things?) and the dinner was GREAT! A wonderful buffet. They serve a lot of fist - cold and hot fish. We were going to hang out at the pool when we got back, but we were too tired and just went to bed.
SATURDAY: The wedding day! We slept in and then got breakfast at the hotel. It was fun to watch all the girls run around trying to leave. It was good entertainment. We went back upstairs and I started getting ready. Adam got us Taco Bell for lunch (I have been craving it for about a month!) and it cost us $15 - everything is more expensive. We headed off to the church for the wedding. Everyone arrived pretty much on time. I was nervous about being the wedding coordinator, but everything went off without a hitch. The wedding was beautiful. In Canada, you go home between the wedding and reception (the wedding was at 2:30 and the reception at 5:30) so we (I say "we", the bridal party and the tag along - that would be me) went to a park to take pictures. It was beautiful, but sooooo cold. It was about 60 degrees and we were dressed for a wedding, not the cold. The reception was fun. Again, really good food. We were planning on staying in Canada that night, but the Dunn family was heading to Washington and had an empty room. So, we went back to the hotel and packed really fast and headed about 30 minutes to the hotel in Washington and checked in and went straight to bed (We ran into Nathan and Colleen, but tried to not giggle too much - we were so tired so things were funnier. We did feel for them, running into their family on their wedding night. They got stuck at the border for a little so they were running behind. The plan was not to run into us, but that didn't happen.)
SUNDAY: We had brunch with the Dunn family, Nathan and Colleen and Colleen's family. It was nice and again, GREAT food. The place was so pretty. We were outside for awhile just watching the water and the kids play. It was cold, but a nice change. It was nice just to relax and not have a schedule. We left there a little after 3pm and headed 2 hours down to Seattle. Our hotel was 1.3 miles way from the airport! We wanted to go to a fist market and fun seafood restaurant we heard about, but were too tired so we just found a close restaurant, ate dinner and then went to the hotel and to bed.
MONDAY: We were up early. I was a mess. I was running late and even left my shampoo, razor, face wash and shaving cream at the hotel. We ate a quick breakfast and then headed to the airport. We had to have the rental car in by 8am. They scanned it at 7:56am! Our flights were on time so that was great. We had a short flight to CA and had a 2 hour layover. We were able to grab some lunch and take our time. On our next flight we had 2 movies - Fantastic 4 (the new one) and Ocean's 13 (we just can't get away from that movie)! I did much better on the flight home. We had an open seat by us and stretched out some. I didn't sleep much, but my feet and legs hardly swelled so that was WONDERFUL! We got home a little after midnight.
We're still tired - more tired today than yesterday - but had a GREAT time. It was nice to get away and so fun to hang out with everyone and be able to celebrate with Nathan and Colleen. I should have some pictures soon to post.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Home at last!
We are finally home. We had a GREAT trip and would have enjoyed more time there. It is just beautiful!
I'm exhusted and am not sure how I'm going to make it through the work day. My body clock is off. It was very confused when I tried to get up at 3:45 this morning (which was really 6:45) so I gave it another hour and then had to get up.
I'll post about the trip when I'm more awake and don't have so much work to catch up on, but we're back, had a great time, and the baby did well (I guess it did...I didn't have any problems).
More later. . .
We are finally home. We had a GREAT trip and would have enjoyed more time there. It is just beautiful!
I'm exhusted and am not sure how I'm going to make it through the work day. My body clock is off. It was very confused when I tried to get up at 3:45 this morning (which was really 6:45) so I gave it another hour and then had to get up.
I'll post about the trip when I'm more awake and don't have so much work to catch up on, but we're back, had a great time, and the baby did well (I guess it did...I didn't have any problems).
More later. . .
Thursday, September 20, 2007

We are off today for Canada for Nathan Dunn's wedding (he is a good friend of ours that I have know my whole life - my grandmother and his grandmother became friends before any of our parents were even born!). Adam is one of the groomsmen in the wedding.
We are going to Langley (which is about 3 hours North of Seattle, Washington) and it is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL! The weather is nice - the highs are 65-55 and the low at night is in the high-to-mid 40s (a bit too cold for me, but a nice change).
Of course I'm stressing over what I am going to wear. I bought a dress that I really like. I just want to look pregnant and not fat/wide/shaped like a safely cone!
We will fly into Washington about 1am our time on Friday am and then drive into Canada. The wedding is Saturday and we are sight seeing Sunday and coming home on Monday (hopefully we will be home by midnight!).
It will be a fun trip. We are both sooooo excited for Nathan and Colleen and feel so honored to be a part of their special day! I'll post about the trip when we get back and hopefully have some pictures. Maybe the baby will get excited about the trip and I'll be able to feel it move. I'm praying it is a great trip and a wonderful weekend of "firsts" for the baby!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So I'm getting bigger and growing out of my clothes. Every morning while I get ready I debate in my head what to wear - it tends to stress me out. I'm bored with the few things that fit right and the girls at work are bored with the few things that are so comfy. I keep telling them one day I'm going to show up in sweat pants and a t-shirt. My buttons really aren't popping off, but I do have to leave my pants unbuttoned. It was a sad day the other day when pants that used to fit me buttoned now have to be unbuttoned and shorts that fit unbuttoned no longer fit. My belly is still so small - what is a girl to do?!? I went to Stacy's last night and raided her closet so that will help and buy me some time. I can't complain too much as this problem means that I get to shop!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
What is up with the poll? We are tied! 45% thinks it is a girl and 45% thinks it is a boy! Who has been messing with my poll and messing up the numbers?!?! =)
Too weird that they are dead even. I don't think the poll is too accurate as everyone that I talk to thinks it is a boy.
At this point I just want to know and don't really care what it is either way. We go back to the doctor on Oct. 2nd and at that appointment we will make an appointment for the sonogram to find out what it is. We should know within a week our next appointment.
For those of you who know me and how much I like to plan you will not be surprised, but I'm stressing over how and when to tell people. After my appointment I'll just have to go back to work - no fun! I can't call everyone while I'm in the car so I have to figure out who is important enough to call and who can just get an email. What about those who get an email and wanted a phone call - oh the drama!
What I am worried about the most is Micah. He has his mind made up that it is a boy. If it is a girl, I'm afraid of his reaction; he'll be so sad. If it is a boy, I hope he has a reaction and it would be fun to see it. I might just have to tell him to stop by my work after school so that I can tell him in person (I'll just make sure I have tissues if it is a girl!).
I can't wait to find out what it is. Once we know we can paint the room and register and name the baby! I'm just so excited about everything!
What is up with the poll? We are tied! 45% thinks it is a girl and 45% thinks it is a boy! Who has been messing with my poll and messing up the numbers?!?! =)
Too weird that they are dead even. I don't think the poll is too accurate as everyone that I talk to thinks it is a boy.
At this point I just want to know and don't really care what it is either way. We go back to the doctor on Oct. 2nd and at that appointment we will make an appointment for the sonogram to find out what it is. We should know within a week our next appointment.
For those of you who know me and how much I like to plan you will not be surprised, but I'm stressing over how and when to tell people. After my appointment I'll just have to go back to work - no fun! I can't call everyone while I'm in the car so I have to figure out who is important enough to call and who can just get an email. What about those who get an email and wanted a phone call - oh the drama!
What I am worried about the most is Micah. He has his mind made up that it is a boy. If it is a girl, I'm afraid of his reaction; he'll be so sad. If it is a boy, I hope he has a reaction and it would be fun to see it. I might just have to tell him to stop by my work after school so that I can tell him in person (I'll just make sure I have tissues if it is a girl!).
I can't wait to find out what it is. Once we know we can paint the room and register and name the baby! I'm just so excited about everything!
Parenting 106:

This definitely goes beyond the basic of parenting!
Tough Love vs. Spanking
Most of America's population think its improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have one of "those moments."One that I found effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk.They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our car ride together. I've included a photo below of one of my sessions with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.

The baby. . .
I got behind on my posts about the baby's development. Since the baby is 17 weeks tomorrow, here is the 16 & 17 week development:
The baby at 16 weeks:
Fat begins to form underneath skin, providing your baby with insulation for the coming months.
Did you know that both baby and placenta are now about the same size?
Your little one has reached 4.57 inches and approximately 3.53 ounces.
His head and neck are held straighter now.
This is a week of "mights!" You might hear the tiny thumps of his heartbeat with an external monitor now. The genitals are developed sufficiently that an experienced sonographer might be able to determine if your baby is a boy or a girl. (We already heard the heartbeat, but we have to wait on finding out if it is a boy or girl - not too much longer!)
Her heart is pumping as much as 6 gallons of blood a day and beats at a rate about double your heart rate.
If you could take a peek inside, you would witness your child's reflexes in action! (Sucking, swallowing and blinking are now evident.) She is probably even hiccuping even though you don't feel it yet!
Your baby has learned to breathe! This is apparent from the regular movements of his chest. Isn't it amazing that he is able to breathe "underwater," inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid? These actions help the lungs to develop and grow.
The baby at 17 weeks:
By week 17, your baby weighs about 4.97 ounces and is 5.12 inches long.
He or she has a much more normal "human" appearance now. She holds her head more erect and her body and limbs are longer in proportion to her head. (This is just too amazing. My baby is a baby - a real person. I'm so proud already!)
Pads are forming on his tiny fingertips and toes. Soon those individual swirls and whorls will be apparent.
Her eyes are looking forward now, but they are still firmly closed.
Meconium (composed of products of cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid), is accumulating in the bowel. This black gooey substance will become your baby's first poop! (YUCK!)
The umbilical cord is growing thicker and stronger and continues to rush blood and nutrients to your growing baby.
If your child is male the prostate begins to develop.
Her skeleton is transforming from cartilage to bone. The bones remain flexible to make the journey through the birth canal easier.
This is what another website says about what my baby is up to:
At 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and 3 1/2 ounces, your baby is about the size of an avocado. In the next three weeks, she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling her weight and adding inches to her length. The patterning of her scalp has begun, though her hair isn't recognizable yet. Although closed, her eyes are moving (slowly), and she's even started growing toenails. Her fingernails and toenails will continue to grow, so don't be surprised if she needs them trimmed soon after birth.
This is just too amazing!
I got behind on my posts about the baby's development. Since the baby is 17 weeks tomorrow, here is the 16 & 17 week development:
The baby at 16 weeks:
Fat begins to form underneath skin, providing your baby with insulation for the coming months.
Did you know that both baby and placenta are now about the same size?
Your little one has reached 4.57 inches and approximately 3.53 ounces.
His head and neck are held straighter now.
This is a week of "mights!" You might hear the tiny thumps of his heartbeat with an external monitor now. The genitals are developed sufficiently that an experienced sonographer might be able to determine if your baby is a boy or a girl. (We already heard the heartbeat, but we have to wait on finding out if it is a boy or girl - not too much longer!)
Her heart is pumping as much as 6 gallons of blood a day and beats at a rate about double your heart rate.
If you could take a peek inside, you would witness your child's reflexes in action! (Sucking, swallowing and blinking are now evident.) She is probably even hiccuping even though you don't feel it yet!
Your baby has learned to breathe! This is apparent from the regular movements of his chest. Isn't it amazing that he is able to breathe "underwater," inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid? These actions help the lungs to develop and grow.
The baby at 17 weeks:
By week 17, your baby weighs about 4.97 ounces and is 5.12 inches long.
He or she has a much more normal "human" appearance now. She holds her head more erect and her body and limbs are longer in proportion to her head. (This is just too amazing. My baby is a baby - a real person. I'm so proud already!)
Pads are forming on his tiny fingertips and toes. Soon those individual swirls and whorls will be apparent.
Her eyes are looking forward now, but they are still firmly closed.
Meconium (composed of products of cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid), is accumulating in the bowel. This black gooey substance will become your baby's first poop! (YUCK!)
The umbilical cord is growing thicker and stronger and continues to rush blood and nutrients to your growing baby.
If your child is male the prostate begins to develop.
Her skeleton is transforming from cartilage to bone. The bones remain flexible to make the journey through the birth canal easier.
This is what another website says about what my baby is up to:
At 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and 3 1/2 ounces, your baby is about the size of an avocado. In the next three weeks, she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling her weight and adding inches to her length. The patterning of her scalp has begun, though her hair isn't recognizable yet. Although closed, her eyes are moving (slowly), and she's even started growing toenails. Her fingernails and toenails will continue to grow, so don't be surprised if she needs them trimmed soon after birth.
This is just too amazing!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

So my birthday was yesterday and I have to say it was the best birthday ever! I have never felt so special and remembered on my birthday. So many things happened . . .
I was greeted by several emails when I turned on my work computer wishing me happy birthday. I also had so many phone calls throughout the day (and I thought people might forget!).
I had lots of visitors at work - Juli, Stacy, Matt, Noah, Logan, Jenny, and my AMAZING husband who surprised me!
At work we all ate a great lunch together (Roma's has the BEST food and Publix makes the ABSOLUTE best Ebony and Ivory cake, it is an office favorite!) and they had flowers, a card and balloons.
Adam surprised me with dinner at Kobe's last night. I had REALLY been craving that and wanted to go there, but didn't want to get my hopes up so that was a GREAT surprise!
I think the thing that overwhelmed me was ALL the flowers! Adam surprised me by bring BEAUTIFUL flowers at work. My
mom send me the cutest arrangement - it was in a short square vase with short flowers - so pretty. Then at lunch, Mel had yellow tea roses for me. Lastly, when I got home my dad had put on my front porch another bouquet of flowers! I now have flowers in my kitchen, my dinning room, my living room AND my bedroom. I can walk from one end of the house to the other and not run out of flowers. I LOVE IT!

Thank you everyone, ESPECIALLY MY HUSBAND, who made my birthday the best it has ever been (and it isn't even over yet. I have breakfast with my mom Saturday am and dinner with my dad and sibling Sunday night and Adam has another surprise for me on Saturday that he says I will really like. I can't figure it out. Last time he surprised me I figured it out - the piano - so I'm going to try and be good this time and not think about it!). THANKS!
Friday, September 07, 2007

"At around 4 inches long, crown to rump, your baby now weights about 2-1/2 ounces. He's/she's busy inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, which will help the air sacs in his/her lungs develop. Sweat glands are appearing, and although his/her eyelids are fused shut, he/she can sense light. If you were to shine a flashlight at your tummy, he'd/she'd most likely move away from the beam. If you're scheduled for an ultrasound in the coming weeks (most women have one between 16 and 20 weeks), you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! "
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Laughter is the spice of life!
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed inwhite?" "Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life." The child thought about this for a moment, then said, "So why is the groom wearing black?"A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class. As she ran she prayed, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!" While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running agaIn. As she ran she once again began to pray, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late...But please don't shove me either!"
Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50." The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100.” The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, "They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.
A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?" He answered "Call for backup."
A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem . A small child replied: "They couldn't get a babysitter."
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to "Honor thy father and thy mother," she asked "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?" Without missing a beat one little boy answered, "Thou shall not kill."
At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and she said, "Johnny, what is the matter?" Little Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife."
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed inwhite?" "Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life." The child thought about this for a moment, then said, "So why is the groom wearing black?"A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class. As she ran she prayed, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!" While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running agaIn. As she ran she once again began to pray, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late...But please don't shove me either!"
Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50." The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100.” The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, "They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.
A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?" He answered "Call for backup."
A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem . A small child replied: "They couldn't get a babysitter."
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to "Honor thy father and thy mother," she asked "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?" Without missing a beat one little boy answered, "Thou shall not kill."
At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and she said, "Johnny, what is the matter?" Little Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife."
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I'm in my 15th week!
This is what is supposed to be happening this week:
You may begin to feel some fluttering movements as baby kicks, flails, twists and turns (but don't panic if you don't yet). She can also grasp, squint, frown, grimace and maybe suck her thumb!
Your baby's legs have grown longer than the arms and the body is now longer than the head.
And you'll be happy to note that he is moving those arms and legs often!
His skin is very thin -- so thin blood vessel are visible. It's covered by a fine, soft layer of hair called lanugo. Lanugo comes from a Latin word meaning "down." This hair is thought to help insulate your little boy.
The three tiny bones in his middle ear have begun to harden. The auditory centers in your baby's brain haven't developed yet, so she might not really understand what you say but her hearing capacity is in the process of developing.
Fingernails and toenails are growing.
Eyebrows are beginning to grow and even the hair his head is sprouting. It will probably change color and texture after birth.
All this and your little one is an amazing 3.98 inches long and may weigh 2.47 ounces.
This is what is supposed to be happening this week:
You may begin to feel some fluttering movements as baby kicks, flails, twists and turns (but don't panic if you don't yet). She can also grasp, squint, frown, grimace and maybe suck her thumb!
Your baby's legs have grown longer than the arms and the body is now longer than the head.
And you'll be happy to note that he is moving those arms and legs often!
His skin is very thin -- so thin blood vessel are visible. It's covered by a fine, soft layer of hair called lanugo. Lanugo comes from a Latin word meaning "down." This hair is thought to help insulate your little boy.
The three tiny bones in his middle ear have begun to harden. The auditory centers in your baby's brain haven't developed yet, so she might not really understand what you say but her hearing capacity is in the process of developing.
Fingernails and toenails are growing.
Eyebrows are beginning to grow and even the hair his head is sprouting. It will probably change color and texture after birth.
All this and your little one is an amazing 3.98 inches long and may weigh 2.47 ounces.
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