Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shhh, don't tell Mommy

Hello world. I'm supposed to be napping, but like my buddy Hailey, I have snuck out and am contacting the outside world. My mommy is supposed to be doing her Wii Fit, but she isn't on it...I hope she doesn't catch me.

I thought since she hasn't updated ya'll in forever that I'd do some updating. I think she is planning on getting some pictures up today and I think she might post 'cause she said something about tomorrow being my actual due date (well, my due date when I was in her belly).

Enough about her...back to me!

I talk all of the time. I can say sock and shoe (or something that sounds like that). My Aunt Kristin says that I can say her name, but I'm not too sure about that. I am finally starting to call my mommy momma and she likes that a lot. I mimic sounds and sometimes if she says I love you enough then I try and say it. Mostly I just like to babble constantly to myself.

I'm growing big. Some of my 12-month clothes don't fit me and that makes mommy excited and daddy nervous ('cause that means mommy has to spend more money!).

What is the deal with Easter? I know why we celebrate it, but why is mommy so excited about getting me an outfit? I just don't get it. She found a shirt and now she has to find a sweater vest. Come on, a sweater vest? What are the ladies going to think about that? I hope I don't look like a dork!

Mommy took me to get my pictures taken last Friday. We'll get to pick them up next week. I did pretty good. There was this other little girl there who kept trying to sit on me before my pictures and I didn't like that and it put me in a weird mood. I wouldn't sit still for my pictures (don't know why they thought I would), but when my mommy took my shoes (which were too small) and socks off, I was so happy just to sit and play with those. I think they got some good pictures. Mommy spent more money than daddy thought she would so I think that is a good sign of a good photo shoot!

I'm starting to understand the whole standing thing. I'm pretty sure I can do it. I stand a lot when I'm playing and I don't realize I'm standing. Today mommy got all excited. I don't really get why, but she was clapping and kissing and saying things in a high voice that I couldn't understand. I stood while playing and I thought that maybe I'd try this walking thing that everyone bigger than me does. I took one step and was pretty steady and then I thought that walking was overrated and sat down. That is when mommy did her flip out. I guess it was good that she was there. She was sitting on the couch before and I came over to her and pointed at her and then pointed at the ground over and over until she came and played with me and then I tried the walking thing. Now, don't you get all excited my gramas 'cause I think I'll still wait awhile before I give it a go again, but I think it will be something I'll eventually really like.

Before I go back to bed (I'm getting sleepy), I did want to give a message to Hailey about those big fuzzy things that she has in her house. The one that says put that one in the toilet. That is the best way to play with it (sorry my aunt sue sue. I think that might disappoint you, but what can you do to the cutest kid ever?!?). The other really big fuzzy thing that you have is a dog. Yap, I'm smart like that. I can even bark if you ask me what a dog says and I can say dog when I'm in a good mood. From what I have learned with my dog, you can climb on them when you get bigger and they just sit there. I can't get up on the couch yet, but when I climb up on my dog I can almost do it. It is hard to catch them. You have to wait until they are sleeping. Be careful what part of the dog you pull on. My dog has this one part that I like to pull on and my mommy yells at me and then washed my hands a lot! You get used to eating the hair left in your hands. I rather enjoy it now, but my mommy still doesn't. She just needs to chill. I like my dog and he likes me and we are going to be best friends one day.

OK, I'm yawning and need to go sleep. Yikes! Mommy is coming around the corner...pray for me!

1 comment:

Matt and Steph said...

Jacob, tell your mommy
1)i know! Isaac is growing so fast!
2)i want to come and play the wii fit with her
have a great day filled with toys, yummy goldfish and marathons of 'handy manny'
Miss Stephie