Thursday, April 09, 2009

He is on the charts!

Jacob had a doctor's appointment last week and he is finally on the charts...barely on them, but still he is on the charts for the first time since he was born! He weighed 20lbs, 9oz and is in the 5th percentile and the 7th percentile in length (50th is average, above that would be big for their age and below that is small for their age; no surprise where Jacob fits).

He is walking more and more. I realized yesterday that I need to pay attention and see if he even crawls anymore. He walked around the corner yesterday and startled me. I'm not used to him walking so much.

I watched a friend's 3 kids for about an hour the other night. Luke, who is 2 weeks younger than Jacob, is walking but not as much as Jacob. I figure as long at Jacob keeps up with Luke then we are good to go. Evie, Luke's 5-year-old sister, was impressed with Jacob's skills. It is fun to see your child through someone else's eyes, especially another child's eyes. She was impressed with the way he just stood up and how much he walked. I wasn't surprised. Jacob is just amazing like that!

I hope to get more video of him to post. Our computer is in the living room and most of his toys are in the family room so it is hard to get him to "perform" for me in the living room for the web cam. I guess you'll just have to come by and see my amazing little, BIG boy!

1 comment:

Matt and Steph said...

yay for Jacob! Matt and i read your blog and then were wondering, how much does isaac weigh? he went to the dr at 2 months and doesn't go again until 4 months--we're right at 3 months--the casserole; don't know, i'll tell u tonight =) its on the menu!